Clutter and Disorganization are the Opponents

This mess is ALL mine.  No one else can be blamed but me.  I can’t believe I’m putting this out there for the whole wide world to see.  But I have a plan. 

Update:  This corner no longer looks this way.  Yay!!  But, I don’t have a post to show yet.

I feel like a stalker. I’m gonna join (again) Jessica from Life as Mom in her year long quest to beat clutter. And, get organized in the process. Go to this link to see her game plan.

I’ve done some small areas around here already, but have a lot more to get to. In her plan she will spread it out over the year, but I don’t want to take that long, so I will join her when I can.

Reminder to self: TAKE PICTURES!!

Go check out her plan.


3 responses to “Clutter and Disorganization are the Opponents”

  1. I’m with ya sister!! My dining room looks almsot exactly like your mess! Just so you know, I give you a “high five” for being brave enough to post this!! I am almost sure that I have a kid lost in my mess…I haven’t see a lot of the youngest lately! I better take a closer look… LOL!

    • Ha!! Thanks for the comment. I’m new to this and have just put my link out there in a couple places.

      My hubby was astonished that I posted that picture too. It really is the worst part of the house. I better hurry up and post an accomplishment with photos soon. I do have some, really. Keeping it real.

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